ATTENTION – In order to better serve our residents, the County of Two Hills is switching Fire/9-1-1 dispatch services from the current providers to the Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority, effective April 1, 2025. There will be no disruption of services during the switchover.

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Looking to take a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of city life?
Why not visit our lakeside campgrounds!

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Chief Administrative Officer
Sally Dary

Director of Finance
Cheryl McRae

Office:  780-657-3358
Toll Free:  877-657-3359
Fax:  780-657-3504

Payment Options

There are various ways to your County of Two Hills and County of Two Hills Natural Gas Utility bills - in person, by mail, online credit card payments, internet banking and monthly pre-authorized debit.

For more information, click here.

Schedule of Fees

The County of Two Hills sets its fees for various goods and services through a bylaw pursuant to provisions in the Municipal Government Act of Alberta.

To view Schedule of Fees Bylaw 09-2022, click here.

Tax Installment Payment Plan

The Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) provides you the convienience of paying your property taxes in 12 monthly installments (November to October) instead of one annual payment.  There are no fees from the County of Two Hills for this service.

For more information, click here.

Recreation Funds

The County of Two Hills No. 21 receives grant monies annually for distribution to Community Recreation Facility Operators located within the County of Two Hills No. 21 that makes their facilities available to the Two Hills County Residents and Ratepayers.

For more information, click here.

Financial Statements

The Financial Statements of the County of Two Hills No. 21 are prepared each year by an indendent private-sector auditor satisfying a legislative reporting requirement as set out in the Municipal Government Act of Alberta.

For more information, click here.