ATTENTION – In order to better serve our residents, the County of Two Hills is switching Fire/9-1-1 dispatch services from the current providers to the Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority, effective April 1, 2025. There will be no disruption of services during the switchover.

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Looking to take a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of city life?
Why not visit our lakeside campgrounds!

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Subdivision applications and approvals are issued by Municipal Planning Services, an independent agency contracted by the County of Two Hills No. 21 to provide this service.  Subdivisions are decided upon by Municipal Planning Services based on the policies outlined in the County’s planning documents – Intermunicipal Development PlansMunicipal Development Plan, applicable Area Structure Plans and the Land Use Bylaw, all as amended.

Subdivision Application Packages are available from Municipal Planning Services, click here.

For further information or assistance in completing a Subdivision Application, contact Municipal Planning Services at 780-486-1991 or to view their website, click here.