Looking to take a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of city life?
Development Permits are issued by County of Two Hills No. 21, pursuant to the Land Use Bylaw, as amended. If site work has already begun, then it is advised that no further work on the development is to occur until a permit is issued. Any access to, site servicing of, or construction started on the property prior to the issuance of a development permit, and completion of the expiry of the appeal period, is at the Applicant’s risk and is subject to a fine under the Land Use Bylaw.
Development Permit Application Packages are available at the County Office or click here.
A Development Permit Application must be completed and submitted to the County Office, as set out in the “Schedule A – Development Permit Application Package”.
Each application for development shall be accompanied by a fee which can be found on the front of the application.
All applications must be in issued in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw.
For further information or assistance with completing Development Permit Applications, contact the Planning & Development Department at 780-657-3358.
To develop land within certain distances of a provincial highway in Alberta, you must obtain approval from Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors. This approval is required for any construction, excavation, placement, alteration, or renovation of buildings, structures, installations, or signage within 300 meters of a highway's right-of-way boundary or within 800 meters of the center point of an intersection with a provincial highway.
For more details, or to access the application portal, please visit: https://www.alberta.ca/roadside-development-permits
Certain types of development require Safety Code Permit approvals. For inquiries regarding Safety Code Permits and inspections, please contact the Inspections Group.
The Inspections Group
12010 – 111 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5G 0E6
Office: 1-866-554-5048 (toll free) or 780-454-5048
Fax: 1-866-454-5222 (toll free) or 780-454-5222