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Information on weed control and common weeds, roadside spraying and mowing programs. For more information on any of these programs please contact the ASB Department.
The ASB Department uses roadside spraying to control noxious weeds and brush re-growth. Spraying is conducted on a three-year rotation along municipal roads. Mowing is conducted to control roadside vegetation as well.
For more information on this year's Roadside Spraying Program, click here.
For more information on this year's Roadside Mowing Program, click here.
Landowners who do not wish to have the ditches adjacent to their property sprayed must sign an Annual No Spray Agreement. This agreement states that the landowner accepts responsibility for control of weeds in the ditch. No Spray signs can be issued. Failure to control weeds may result in the County controlling them by whichever means they deem appropriate.
No Spray agreements are the landowner’s responsibility to renew each year. Please contact the ASB Department for more information or to sign a No Spray Agreement.
It requires a collective effort to control the spread of noxious weeds. Control work by landowners is a crucial component to control and is one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of these plants. Under the Weed Control Act, the County may issue a Weed Notice for uncontrolled weeds.
For more information, click here.
Information on clubroot, fusarium, coyote program, beaver control, and other pest issues.
The County of Two Hills No. 21 Clubroot Policy is intended to assist in the control and spread of clubroot of crucifers in the municipality. Random inspections will be conducted by the Agricultural Fieldman, Assistant Agricultural Fieldman or by an appointed inspector. Positive identification of clubroot will be obtained by a laboratory test. Landowners will be notified in writing if their land tests positive and a Pest Notice will be issued.
For more information, click here.
Predation Control
Coyote control may be carreid out on a complaint basis only with a Pest Control Officer investigating all livestock damage claims. Control methods will be used at the discretion of the Pest Control Officer.
Coyote Reduction Incentive Program
The County of Two Hills No. 21 will pay an incentive per coyote killed during the period of November 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019 (deadline subject to budget limitations and/or abuse of the program). The number of coyotes eligible to be turned in for incentive payment will be limited to a maximum of 40 coyotes per residence (limited to one member per residence).
For more information, click here.
Beaver Control
The County of Two Hills No. 21 may remove beaver dams to protect municipal infrastructure (such as roads). Dam removal on private lands will have fees associated with it. Please contact the ASB Department if you have beaver concerns.
Richardson Ground Squirrel (Gopher) Control
2% Strychnine is available for qualified farmers within the County of Two Hills. Please contact the ASB Department to make arrangements for purchase of Strychnine.
Skunks, Raccoons, Magpies and Other Pests
The County of Two Hills No. 21 has Skunk, Racoon and Magpie traps available for purchase (see the Equipment Rental List for pricing). You may also rent skunk and racoon traps as well as scare cannons from the ASB Department. Please contact the ASB Department to make arrangements.