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Public Hearing Dates

We are nearing the final stages of the Intermunicipal Development Plan project. Over the past year we have carried out much background research, developed focus topics, connected with important stakeholders and engaged the public. A summary of the engagement is available here:

Rural IDPs Engagement Phase 1 What We Heard Report
Rural IDPs Engagement Phase 2 What We Heard Report

The IDPs have gone through several revisions, reviewed by administration and Council, and have been thoroughly finetuned to the documents we have today. The IDPs will be presented for first reading and a public hearing at Council on:

December 12, 2018 at 1:00 pm

County Office
4818 50 Avenue
Two Hills AB

All members of the public are welcome to attend and present any comments to Council as a final opportunity to receive valuable input.

More information about Intermunicipal Development Plans can be found here.

Project Timeline

Project Contacts

County of Two Hills:
Sally Dary, CAO
Phone:  780-657-3358
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
Stephanie Gagnon
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP)

An Intermunicipal Devlopment Plan (IDP) is a statutory policy document that is designed to foster cooperation and ensure that planning and development across municipal borders takes place in an integrated manner without unnecessary costs or negative impacts on either municipality.

Funded by the Province of Alberta, the following six municipalities are working collaboratively to achieve to IDPs for all their shared boundaries:

County of St. Paul
Lac La Biche County
County of Vermilion River
Smoky Lake County
County of Two Hills
Municipal District of Bonnyville

This collaborative project is about achieving strategic and efficient delivery of intermunicipal services and development.  It will fulfill recent updates to the Municipal Government Act that requires all municipalities to have IDPs with adjacent municipalities.

For more information, click here.

Media Release - Rural Municipal Partnerships Delivers 8 Intermunicipal Development Plans

An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a statutory policy document that is designed to foster cooperation and ensure that planning and development across municipal borders takes place in an integrated manner without unnecessary costs or negative impacts on either municipality.

Funded by the Province of Alberta, the following six municipalities are working collaboratively to achieve to IDPs for all their shared boundaries:

County of St. Paul
Lac La Biche County
County of Vermilion River
Smoky Lake County
County of Two Hills
Municipal District of Bonnyville

This collaborative project is about achieving strategic and efficient delivery of intermunicipal services and development.  It will fulfill recent updates to the Municipal Government Act that requires all municipalities to have IDPs with adjacent municipalities.

For more information on the Rural Intermunicipal Development Plan Project, click here.

The Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw 11-2018, Bylaw 12-2018 and Bylaw 13-2018 were presented for first reading and a Public Hearing was held on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 1:00 pm in Council Chambers.

Bylaw 11-2018, Bylaw 12-2018 and Bylaw 13-2018 were given second reading, third and final reading and finally passed the 27th day of February, 2019.

Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw No. 11-2018
Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw No. 12-2018
Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw No. 13-2018

The Municipal Development Plan outlines a broad set of goal statements about the type of long-term development that is desired by the County of Two Hills No. 21.  The main focus of the Municipal Development Plan is to provide policies to assist Council, the County's residents and landowners, and the County's approving authorities in achieving and maintaining orderly and efficient land use and development.

Bylaw No. 3-2018 was given first reading the 19th day of September, 2018. On January 16, 2019, Bylaw No. 3-2018 was amended and given second and third reading thereby duly enacting the bylaw. 

To view the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw No. 3-2018, click here.

Subdivision applications and approvals are issued by Municipal Planning Services, an independent agency contracted by the County of Two Hills No. 21 to provide this service.  Subdivisions are decided upon by Municipal Planning Services based on the policies outlined in the County’s planning documents – Intermunicipal Development PlansMunicipal Development Plan, applicable Area Structure Plans and the Land Use Bylaw, all as amended.

Subdivision Application Packages are available from Municipal Planning Services, click here.

For further information or assistance in completing a Subdivision Application, contact Municipal Planning Services at 780-486-1991 or to view their website, click here.

The Land Use Bylaw regulates and controls the use and development of land and buildings to achieve orderly, economical and beneficial development and use of land within the County of Two Hills No. 21. 

Bylaw No. 2-2018 Land Use was given first reading the 19th day of September, 2018. On Januray 16, 2019, Bylaw No. 2-2018 was amended and given second and third readings thereby duly enacting the bylaw. Since enactment, Bylaw No. 2-2018 has been amended. 

To view the consolidated the Land Use Bylaw No. 2-2018, click here.

For questions regarding the Land Use Bylaw, please contact the Planning and Development Department at 780-657-3358.