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Looking to take a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of city life?
Why not visit our lakeside campgrounds!

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The County of Two Hills No. 21 is seeking submissions from qualified contractors to provide Herbicide Application Services for the 2025-2027 Spraying Program.

Scope of Work: The 2025-2027 Spraying Program is based on the following scope of work:

  • The contractor shall supply the required human resources and equipment to apply herbicide for up to 450 miles (both sides of the road). The actual number of miles may be adjusted at the discretion of the Agricultural Fieldman.
  • Blanket spray (as required) of herbicide application will be from gravel to property line.
  • Minimum water volume of 200 L/hectare is required when applying herbicide.
  • Herbicide application will be completed in accordance with all relevant legislation, pesticide labels, and industry best practices.
  • All herbicides and surfactants required for the program will be supplied.
  • Water will be supplied from six water stations throughout the County; the contractor is responsible for hauling water.
  • Daily application records shall be recorded in electronic and written form including, at minimum, the following:
    • Date and time,
    • GPS location,
    • Herbicide used and application rate,
    • Temperature,wind velocity, wind direction, relative humidity,
    • Applicator’s name.
  • Application records shall be submitted at the end of the project.
  • Participation in a pre-job start-up meeting before commencing herbicide application is required.
  • Subject to weather conditions, the spraying program is expected to be completed between June 15 and August 15.

Quotations must be received at the Agricultural Service Board Office by 4:30 pm on March 15, 2025.

<< To download the tender package, click HERE >>